Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Polar Graphs on Desmos

This goal of this project was to use Desmos.com to create works of art using polar graphs, while learning how to use different functions. 

I got this first graph on Desmos.com by first changing mode from Cartesian to Polar, then using the function r=20sin5.4(theta) and r=8cos5.7(theta).

This next graph was my more creative one, and was created using the functions r=theta, r=500000cos7.6theta, r=500000sin4.8theta, r=4+20cos(theta), r=4-20cos(theta) r=4+20sin(theta), r=4-20sin(theta) and r=-1theta. I liked this graph because it was very random and abstract.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The difference between the subsidized and subsidized loans is that subsidized are more need based and do not need to be payed while you are enrolled in school, they also have more strict requirements. Unsubsidized loans on the other hand require payment while enrolled.

The total loan plus Interest came out to $22005.95 after four years, compounded annually, using an unsubsidized loan. To pay this over ten years in monthly payments it would cost $183.38 per month.

A= 5000(1+.0386) A=5193
A= 5193(1+.0386) A=5393.45
A= 5393.45(1+.0386) A=5601.64
A= 5601.64(1+.0386) A=5817.86

Tuesday, September 10, 2013